Group Coaching
Learn how to take control of your happiness during your IVF experience over the holidays and learn from other IVF warriors on the same journey.
It’s time to take control of your happiness over the holidays.
What if you could be on a journey of infertility AND love your life?
It's completely possible!
I know because I have coached hundreds of women on doing exactly that.
Now I'm taking the same framework that I use for my 1:1 coaching clients.
We are a community of IVF'ers changing how infertility is thought about, talked about, and experienced.
Let’s do this!
Have you ever had thoughts like these?
When I finish this round of IVF, I will be able to breathe.
When I get through this thing (whatever you’re struggling with), I will
work on my marriage.
When I lose a few pounds I can feel more confident in my body.
When I get the next promotion, I will be able to relax about money.
In the meantime, I will deny myself anything that looks like fun.
In the meantime, I will push myself to do everything perfectly.
In the meantime, I will buy all the supplements, read all the books, be
on all the forums.
Or the ULTIMATE waiting for when - When I get pregnant (or have a
baby), I will get to feel happy, fulfilled, or complete.
Waiting for when is what most humans do.
We are socialized from a young age to postpone, delay and defer.
Especially women.
Especially for others.
Parents. Teachers. Bosses. Partners. Family Members. Kids.
Everyone else comes first.

When I decided to stop waiting to feel better, more alive and present, my life changed for the better. Join me in IVF This Group Program and let's use the next 3 months to learn how to take care of yourself, alongside other IVF warriors doing the same. This next round is happening just before the holidays as I know many of my clients find navigating this time of year particularly challenging.
When I was in the thick of my infertility journey, my waiting looked like...
When we have saved enough money for IVF
When I have the “right” doctor
When I am finished with this house project
When I start my stims
When I get past the retrieval
When I finally have my family, I won’t have to feel so sad
But waiting for when never works. Because there is always another when.
“As a society we invest more money IN OUR
HAIR than in our MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP- the one we have with
Imagine experiencing the miracle of IVF and:
Feel free from micro-managing every aspect of your life around IVF (hello medication binders, endless doctor appointments, and phone reminders).
Nourish and strengthen the supportive bond with your partner.
Feel peace within your body, even if it’s not doing the thing you want it to do so badly.
Learn how to be more compassionate with yourself and silence that inner critic that says you are doing everything wrong and it’s all your fault.
What People Are Saying
“I’ve gone through two rounds of IVF and I HATED myself the entire time. I hated that I had PCOS, I hated that I waited so long to see a doctor, I hated that I felt so negative all the time, I hated that my eggs were poor quality. I hated it all. Once I really understood the trauma and grief I had experienced and we processed through that, I knew there wasn’t anything about this journey that I couldn’t handle- EVEN after two failed transfers and a miscarriage.”
— Sara B.
“Emily does a great job of talking through your feelings and figuring out the “why” of how you are feeling. She helps give you the tools you need to become better at realizing your true potential. As someone who has struggled with IVF for many years, Emily has helped walk me through my fears and feelings that I have held on to for years and how to let them go.”
— Kara O.

Here’s what you get with the Group Coaching Program:
12 weeks of coaching from November 1st 2023 until January 17th, 2024.
One call per week, format as follows:
15-20 min Q&A dedicated to a specific coaching concept to
deepen your understanding of the material.40-45 minute open coaching call where you can get coached live.
Slack support throughout the entire 12 weeks.
Get coaching from me and support from your other cohort members.
All calls will be recorded and available in Google Drive so that you won't
miss a thing.Twice-monthly open coaching calls to discuss any topic you want! Alumni
How do I sign up?
Click the link below to enroll right away. Payment plans will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact hello@ivfthiscoaching.com for more information.
Take this opportunity to say "YES" to yourself.
Learn how to manage your mind during your infertility journey; I will teach you.
And just who am I?
I’m Emily Ginn and I coach IVF Warriors because I am one.
Our infertility journey started in the Spring of 2012, of course, at that time we didn’t realize that was our path. In the years that followed I experienced so much anger, resentment, pain, and suffering.
There probably wasn't a person breathing that I wasn’t angry with for one reason or another.
But mostly, I hated myself.
In 2015, I was introduced to a podcast, The Life Coach School and it completely changed my life.
In 2016, I was coached for the very first time. And again, my life completely changed.
I went from feeling like everything was happening to me, feeling so out of control but trying to control everything, and talking to myself like an asshole to a place of genuine love and compassion for myself.
Once I was able to recognize when I was talking to myself like an asshole, I was able to change that conversation. When I changed that conversation it was like the Jenga tower of shit that I thought my life was, just collapsed -- in the best way possible. When I changed the conversation with myself- EVERYTHING changed. My life got easier. Even while I was going through IVF, TWICE!
That is what I want for you. Pain shared is pain divided, joy shared is joy multiplied.
That is why the IVFthis Group Coaching Experience exists.
Coaching FAQ’S
What if I’ve never worked with a coach before?
No biggie. Some of my clients have had previous counseling experience. Some have had previous coaches. Some of them ARE coaches, and some of them have never heard of a coach until we met. It doesn’t matter if you’ve ever been exposed to coaching. The thing that will ultimately determine your success with coaching is that you want your potential life more than where you are right now. I promise it’s not one more thing you have to prepare for. I’ve gotchu throughout the entire process.
I don’t think I have time for all this in between my appointments, and ya know life?
So many of my clients tell me this when we start working together. My question is always, “Where, in this process, are you prioritizing you?”
You’re already thinking about this shit all the time. You eat, sleep and breathe it. My clients often prioritize the process of chasing a baby at the expense of themselves. But they are not mutually exclusive. What if you could wildly pursue both your future family AND yourself? What’s an hour of your time to cut your overwhelm and anxiety in half worth to you and your partner?
How is this different from what I can find on the internet? I don’t think I have time for all this in between my appointments, and ya know life?
No one talks about infertility the way that I do while incorporating elements of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and feminist theory. There is no shortage of validation in the infertility community. If you want something other than a “yup, this shit’s hard”.... You come see me. I show you how to process anger, resentment, frustration, and misery. I show you how your pain and overwhelm are created and the exact steps you need to untangle them from your everyday life.
I have more questions. How can I get in touch?
You can reach me at: hello@ivfthiscoaching.com